General Conditions

Article 1 – Legal relationship

The legal relationship between MAPP, with registered office at Zepbrugstraat 35, 3545 Halen, registered with the CBE under number BE 0689.881.222 (hereinafter referred to as 'MAPP') and the customer, is governed by these general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as 'General Terms and Conditions'), the order form, the invoices and any specific conditions (hereinafter collectively referred to as the 'Agreement').

Article 2  – Scope

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all training courses, every quotation and every Agreement concluded with regard to the services offered by MAPP.

The Agreement shall nullify and replace all written or oral contracts, proposals and commitments relating to the same subject matter which would precede the date of this Agreement.

By subscribing or signing a contract, the customer acknowledges to accept the General Terms and Conditions and undertakes to comply with them.

These General Terms and Conditions apply to the exclusion of the customer's general terms and conditions.

Deviations from the Agreement are only possible with the prior written consent of MAPP. MAPP reserves the right to change the provisions of the Agreement.

Article 3 – Offers

Our offers are purely indicative and without obligation and expire if they have not been accepted by the customerwithin 30 calendardays, or within the specifically stated period on  the offer. Quotations only become legally valid as an agreement by signing the offer by the  customer andby us. We also reserve the right to refuse certain assignments without giving any reason.

Article 4  –  Offered services

Mapp's services consist of organizing education, training, coaching, guidance programs, online training and other forms of training and the logistical and organizational support of training for the customer. After this, the services are collectively referred to as '(the) Training'.

  • 'Open Training' are Trainings in which the customer can participate, whether or not simultaneously together with other customers of other companies. These Trainings are organized on location fully organized by MAPP.
  • 'Online Open Trainings' are Open Trainings that can be followed digitally. This includes the Live Webinars and Virtual Classrooms.
  • 'In-company Training' are Courses in which only employees or relations of the customer can participate. These Trainings can be given both in-house and on location and are organized according to the needs of the customer. The Training can always be expanded with coaching on the work floor to support and optimize the implementation of the processes. MAPP takes all possible reasonable measures to provide the customer with the most complete information possible, but without any guarantee in this regard.
  • 'Coaching' is the personal guidance of the individual or the team during the implementation of the subject matter of a Course. The coaching is always given in-company and according to the specific needs of the customer.

Article 5 – Open Training (on location or remote)

  • Registration
    • Any registration by the customer in an Open Course must be done electronically or in writing. Telephone registrations will not be accepted. The Agreement between MAPP and the customer is only concluded after written or electronic confirmation of the registration by MAPP. After this confirmation, MAPP sends the invoice according to the registration.
  • Payment modalities
    • All invoices are payable in cash by bank transfer to account number BE15 0018 3254 6430. The customer undertakes that the invoice will be paid within 30 days of its receipt AND at the latest before the start date of the course, and this by operation of law and without notice of default.
    • In the event of non-payment of the invoice on the due date, there may be, by operation of law and without prior notice of default, a late payment interest, calculated on the statutory interest rate from the due date, per month in which each month started is considered to have expired, as well as a fixed compensation of 10% of the unpaid invoice amount will be charged, with a minimum of 50 €. Undue amounts will be refunded on simple request.
    • The tenderer, together with the legal entity in whose name is requested to invoice, is always jointly and severally liable for all obligations with regard to MAPP if problems arise with.b regard to the payment of the invoice.
  • Cancellation
    • If the customer is prevented from participating in an Open Training, the customer can, unless otherwise stipulated, always be replaced by another person. The customer can cancel his participation free of charge provided that this is done in writing (registered mail by post or by e-mail) and up to one month before the start of an Open Training on location or up to two weeks of an Online Open Training. After the expiry of this period and up to one week before the start of the Open Training, 50% of the full price is due. Afterwards, full price is due in full. However, you can always have yourself replaced free of charge, before the start of the Training, by another participant.
    • MAPP reserves the right to charge an administrative fee for all changes at the request of the customer.

Article 6 – In-company Training

  • Registration
    • Fortailor-made training, the registration is concluded after the signing of a specific contract between MAPP and the customer. For the amount to be paid stated in the contract, the customer will receive an invoice at the latest 15 days after the end of the Training. In the event that the In-Company Training is extended with a Coaching, both services will be invoiced separately.
  • Organization
    • For In-company Training and Education, a proposal is made to the customer in the form of a quotation, based on the information exchanged during a previous visit of MAPP on site. The customer guarantees MAPP that the information provided, necessary for the development and organization of the Training, is complete and correct. MAPP always provides the Training and Education from an independent set-up and adheres to the agreements made during the consultation between MAPP and the customer. The customer shall provide MAPP in a timely manner with all documents and data that MAPP may need to be able to prepare and carry out the Training according to the agreed schedule. During the planned Training, the participating employees of the customer must be fully available, unless otherwise specified during the consultation. The customer only involves third parties in the Training after approval by MAPP.
  • Payment methods
    • Unless otherwise stipulated, all invoices are payable in cash by bank transfer to account number BE15 0018 3254 6430.
    • For In-company Training and Education, a late payment interest, calculated on the statutory interest rate from the due date, as well as a fixed compensation of 15% of the unpaid invoice amount, can be charged with a minimum of 50 € for each invoice in the event of non-payment on the due date (30 days after the invoice date).
  • Cancellation
    • For In-company Training and Education, the customer can cancel free of charge up to 5 weeks before the start of the Training. In case of cancellation between 5 and 2 weeks before the start of the Training, the customer pays 50% of the amount stated in the contract. In case of cancellation less than 2 weeks before the start of the training, the full amount stated in the contract remains due. In the event of cancellation, the customer also pays all costs already incurred by MAPP during the preparation, such as any reservation costs, purchases of didactic material, working hours. The customer can, however, postpone the planned Training free of charge up to 5 weeks before the start of its commencement. In the event of a postponement of the planned Training between 5 and 2 weeks before the start, the customer will pay an additional cost reimbursement equal to 25% of this fee in addition to the agreed fee for the Training itself. If the customer postpones the planned Training less than 2 weeks before the start of the training, the customer will pay an additional cost reimbursement equal to 50% of this fee in addition to the agreed fee for the Training. In the event of a postponement of the planned In-Company Training less than 5 weeks before the start of the training, the customer will also pay all costs already incurred by MAPP for any reservations and relocations. In addition, the new date of the In-Company Training or Education must fall within 6 months after the initially planned date. A shift of the planned In-Company Training is allowed 1 time.

Article 7 – Coaching

For coaching, the General Terms and Conditions are fully resumed under Article 6 – In-company Training.

Article 8 – Prices

The prices mentioned on the website are not binding. MAPP always reserves the right to change the prices. The applicable prices are those in force at the time of registration or the signing of the agreement between MAPP and the customer.

All prices are exclusive of VAT, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Article 9 – Complaints – Protest of invoice

Any protest must be sent to MAPP by motivated registered letter within a period of 8 days. For complaints or disputes regarding the services provided, the period starts the day after delivery. With regard to the invoice, the term starts on the invoice date. In the absence of timely protest, the services/invoices are definitively accepted and payment is due.

Article 10 – Liability

Subject to the explicit obligations included in the Agreement, MAPP is not responsible, except for the cases of civil liability, for damage (both material and physical) caused by accidents before, during or after the formation.

MAPP is not liable for indirect damage, such as loss of turnover, loss of profit or any increase in general costs. MAPP is also not liable for any damage resulting from non-compliance with the Agreement by the customer, nor for defects caused directly or indirectly by an act of the customer or of a third party, regardless of whether these are caused by an error or negligence.

If MAPP's liability is retained, MAPP is only obliged to replace the Training and, if this is not possible, to refund the price.

Article 11 – Force majeure

Force majeure caused by situations such as fire, administrative measures, illness, accident and other unexpected events over which MAPP has no control, release MAPP, for the duration of the nuisance and for their scope, from its obligations, without the right to any price reduction or compensation for the customer.

MAPP will take all reasonable measures to allow the Training to take place. Due to unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances, MAPP may cancel the Training, change the content, date/dates or location. In these cases, the customer can cancel his Training or choose to participate in a subsequent training of this cancelled or changed Course.

In case of cancellation, invoices paid by the customer will be refunded without interest or other compensation.

Article 12 – Duty of confidentiality

Subject to the legal exceptions, the content and documentation of a Course, in whole or in part, may not be reproduced, translated, adapted or stored in any form or by any means. The content and documentation of a Course may not be communicated or passed on, in whole or in part, to the public in any form or in any way without the prior written consent of MAPP.

The customer will not, without the prior consent of MAPP, make any announcements about the approach, working method and the like to third parties.

The parties undertake to keep the commercial and technical information and trade secrets they learn from the other party, even after the termination of the agreement, secret and to use it only for the execution of the agreement.

Article 13 – Processing of personal data

The data provided by the customer will be included in the MAPP file. This data may be used for the purpose of conducting information or promotional campaigns in connection with the training courses offered by MAPP or promotional campaigns in the context of the contractual relationship between the customer and MAPP. The customer's contact details are never transferred by MAPP to third parties for commercial purposes. In the context of the contractual relationship between the customer and MAPP, the customer's data will only be processed by MAPP. MAPP will not store the data outside the European Economic Area without informing the customer in advance, among other things, about the appropriate safeguards regarding the transfer and, if necessary, obtaining the customer's consent for this.

The following personal data may be shared by MAPP (in the form of a list of participants) during an inspection within the framework of the SME portfolio management regulations, with the trainer and other participants of the specific training for which the customer has registered: surname, first name, position and company name. In addition, MAPP can make visual material during certain training courses, which can then be used via mapp's communication channels.

If the customer does not wish to be included in the list of participants shared with the other participants or does not wish to appear on visual material, he must indicate this when registering (field "Message").

Article 14 – Inspection and correction of personal data

MAPP will endeavor to take all reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect and secure the data against accidental or unauthorized destruction, against accidental loss, as well as against the modification of or access to, and any other unauthorized processing of personal data, taking into account the possibilities of the technique. Data that is no longer necessary or useful will be deleted. The customer can always request access to, correction, deletion or transfer of his data and oppose the use of the data for commercial purposes. This request is free of charge, except if within a period of six months a request or a request for additional copies has already been made by the data subject, in which case MAPP is entitled to charge a reasonable fee on the basis of the administrative costs resulting from the new request. Further information can be found in the Privacy Policy of MAPP, can be obtained via our Contact form and the Data Protection Authority, with whom the customer always has the right to file a complaint.

Article 15 – Nullity

If any clause of these general terms and conditions is null and void, the remaining clauses will remain in full force and MAPP and the customer will replace the void clause with another valid clause that approximates the purpose, purport and economic impact of the void provision as closely as possible.

Article 16 – Applicable law – competent court

Only Belgian law applies to all agreements of MAPP. Any dispute relating to the conclusion, validity, execution and/or termination of an agreement will be settled exclusively by the competent court in HASSELT (Belgium). Any agreement with MAPP can only be sued before these courts.

Article 17 – Waiver of Rights

The non-assertion of a right or the non-application of a sanction by MAPP does not in any way constitute a waiver of the Right.

MAPP – Zepbrugstraat 35 – 3545 Halen, Belgium – BE0689.881.222

General Conditions

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