How does MAPP distinguish itself from other programs?

MAPP is a comprehensive concept and supports you from the start to the delivery of your project. You will learn to control all aspects of project management: planning, communication, management and leadership, risk management, time management and quality control.

Time management and risk management are therefore an integral part of our planning method. LEAN[AR3] also receives the attention it deserves in our method. So, you no longer must follow different courses and look for the interaction between everything. Thanks to this integration, all aspects of project management are "tailored to the mission" and you can always respond very quickly, no matter what. We guarantee the most efficient use of your time and budget.

If you use special software such as ERP, we can integrate it into our planning, so you can continue to use it.

Do you use a management tool as support? Keep doing it! We ensure that you have all the correct, complete and relevant data for the input. This way, the outcome of your support tool will guarantee you success.

We recognise that your employees are THE key to the success of your project, and we keep them at the centre of our planning.

Curious? So are we! Please get in touch to discuss how we can take your project to the next level.

Could MAPP have answered the consequences of COVID?

Absolutely! The consequences on the operation of your company because of the lockdown and other decisions of the Government, when applying our planning model, would certainly have been part of the risk analysis and led to a branch plan. The management of the crisis in your company and the required adjustments can therefore be made quickly and accurately. Restarting the activities is then initiated by a new strategic plan. Such a crisis initially gives rise to the rethinking of the strategic goals and the way to it, but also offers opportunities for the project manager s/he should not miss.

I am in possession of a LEAN or other certificate. How can MAPP still help me?

Whatever project management certificate you have, they all have their place in our management model. Our model not only adapts to your knowledge, skills and needs, but also considers the vision, mission, and values of your company.  Let us show you how to think out of the box and discover opportunities

Your needs are our concern, and we are fully committed with 200% motivation to make your project successful. You will learn how to start a project, discover, and control all parameters, plan, communicate and lead to be successful. And all that tailored to your needs!

Curious? So are we! Let us know where your shoe pinches and we will gladly ensure that everything runs back on wheels.

How long does a training take?

As our trainings are tailor-made to address the needs of each individual customer, everything is discussed at our first interviews, including the duration of the training.  

 Typically, an Activity Management training and a Basic Management training lasts 1 full day, whilst a project management training takes 3 days and includes Activity Management.

Any specific questions or requirement?

Do I have to provide something for a training course myself? What do I get after the training?

We provide all the needs associated with the training courses such as handouts, writingutensils. We also provide accommodation, all meals and drinks, breaks, snacks, and refreshments.

The package offered is all-in so that you do not have to worry about anything. You will not only get your knowledge and the handouts to take home but also our "Handbook for perfect planning". You can always call on us afterwards if you have any questions when using the documentation or the book.

Want to know more? Do not hesitate and ask us. We are there for you.

What should the company provide for an in-house training?

If you would like an in-company training, we will need facilities to present a slideshow. As our trainings are interactive and rely on participants sharing experience and learning from each other, we find that roomy spaces which allow people to move around are best suited.  Our staff will be available to discuss all logistical elements during our preparatory meetings.

Feel free to contact us for non-binding information or an appointment.

Frequently asked questions about project management

What is project management?

Project management is the process of planning, organizing, and monitoring a project to ensure it is completed on time, within budget, and according to established goals. It involves managing resources, coordinating activities, and communicating with stakeholders to ensure the project is completed successfully. The goal of project management is to efficiently lead a project so that it meets the expectations of the customer or client.

There are various methods and tools that can be used in project management. The method used depends on the nature of the project and the needs of the organization. It is important to remember that project management is not only focused on completing the project, but also on achieving the set goals and delivering value to the organization or customer. Therefore, a good project manager should not only have good technical skills, but also good communication and leadership skills to ensure the project is efficiently led.

Interested in a project management training with MAPP?

Why is project management important?

Project management is important because it helps to ensure that a project is efficiently led and completed on time, within budget, and according to established goals. It provides a structure for managing resources, coordinating activities, and communicating with stakeholders, which helps to ensure the project is completed efficiently.

Project management is also important because it helps to manage risks and solve problems that may arise during the project. By creating a project plan and monitoring the progress of the project, a project manager can proactively take steps to solve any problems before they escalate.

In addition, project management is also important because it helps to ensure the quality of the final product. By monitoring the progress of the project and applying quality controls, a project manager can ensure that the final product meets the established requirements.

Finally, project management is also important because it helps to increase the satisfaction of the customer or client. By communicating well with the customer and ensuring the project is completed on time and according to established goals, a project manager can ensure the customer is satisfied with the final result.

Interested in a project management training with MAPP?

What does a project manager do?

The duties of a project manager can vary depending on the nature of the project and the needs of the organization, but here are some tasks that are often part of the role of a project manager:

  1. Creating a project plan: A project manager is responsible for creating a detailed project plan that outlines the goals, schedule, budget, and resources of the project.
  2. Coordinating activities: A project manager is responsible for coordinating the activities of the project team and monitoring the progress of the project.
  3. Managing resources: A project manager is responsible for managing the resources needed to complete the project, such as human, financial, and material resources.
  4. Communicating with stakeholders: A project manager is responsible for communicating with the stakeholders of the project, such as the client, team members, suppliers, and customers.
  5. Managing risks: A project manager is responsible for identifying, evaluating, and managing risks that may arise during the project, and developing strategies to manage these risks.

Interested in a project management training with MAPP?

Frequently asked questions about risk management

What is risk management?

Risk management is the process of identifying, evaluating, and managing risks in an organization. The goal of risk management is to reduce the likelihood of negative events occurring and to minimize their impact, so that the continuity of the organization is maintained. Risk management involves developing strategies to manage risks and implementing measures to reduce the likelihood of risks occurring.

This can include implementing processes for managing changes, developing disaster recovery plans, and setting up a system for identifying and reporting risks. Risk management is important for every organization because it helps to maintain the continuity of the organization and prevent risks from causing financial or reputational damage.

Interested in a risk management training with MAPP?

Why is risk management important?

Risk management is important because it helps to reduce the likelihood of negative events occurring and to minimize their impact. By identifying and evaluating risks and developing strategies to manage these risks, an organization can maintain continuity and prevent risks from causing financial or reputational damage.

Risk management is also important because it helps to increase the productivity and efficiency of an organization. By proactively addressing risks, an organization can prevent problems from arising that slow down or hinder work.

In addition, risk management is also important because it helps to increase customer satisfaction. By managing risks, an organization can ensure that products or services are delivered on time and to the required standards, leading to satisfied customers.

Finally, risk management is also important because it helps to comply with legal requirements and regulations. Many organizations are required to manage certain risks and take measures to reduce them, such as developing a disaster recovery plan or implementing security measures. By managing risks, an organization can ensure that it complies with these legal requirements and regulations.

Interested in a risk management training with MAPP?

What does a risk manager do?

The tasks of a risk manager can vary depending on the needs of the organization, but here are some tasks that often fall within the role of a risk manager:

  1. Identifying risks: A risk manager is responsible for identifying risks that threaten the continuity of the organization, such as operational risks, financial risks, and compliance risks.
  2. Evaluating risks: A risk manager is responsible for assessing the impact and likelihood of the identified risks so that the most important risks can be addressed.
  3. Developing strategies to manage risks: A risk manager is responsible for developing strategies to manage the identified risks, such as developing disaster recovery plans or implementing security measures.
  4. Implementing measures to manage risks: A risk manager is responsible for carrying out the strategies to manage risks and ensuring that the measures are implemented efficiently.
  5. Monitoring risks: A risk manager is responsible for monitoring the implemented measures to ensure that they are effective in managing risks and for adjusting the measures if necessary.

Interested in a risk management training with MAPP?

Frequently asked questions about time management

What is time management?

Time management is the process of managing the time available to achieve certain tasks or goals. The goal of time management is to ensure that the available time is used efficiently, so that all important tasks can be completed on time. Time management involves planning and organizing work, determining priorities, and creating a schedule.

There are various techniques and tools that can be used to better manage time, such as creating a to-do list, setting up a daily or weekly schedule, and using time tracking software. Managing time is important for both individuals and organizations, as it helps to increase productivity and reduce stress.

Interested in a time management training with MAPP?

Why is time management important?

Time management is important because it helps to ensure that the available time is used efficiently. By planning and organizing work and determining priorities, one can ensure that all important tasks can be completed on time.

Time management is also important because it helps to reduce stress. By managing time efficiently, one can ensure that one does not become overwhelmed and has enough time to relax.

In addition, time management is also important because it helps to increase productivity. By managing time efficiently, one can ensure that more work can be completed in the same amount of time, resulting in higher productivity.

Finally, time management is also important because it helps to increase customer satisfaction. By ensuring that all important tasks can be completed on time, one can ensure that products or services are delivered on time and to the required standards, leading to satisfied customers.

Interested in a time management training with MAPP?

What are the tasks of someone involved in time management?

Someone who is involved in and values time management is concerned with optimizing time and specifically with the following:

  1. Creating a schedule: Someone involved in time management is responsible for creating a schedule to ensure that the available time is used efficiently.
  2. Determining priorities: Someone involved in time management is responsible for identifying the most important tasks and setting priorities to ensure that the most important things are completed on time.
  3. Creating a to-do list: Someone involved in time management is responsible for creating a to-do list to ensure that all tasks are included and that no important items are forgotten.
  4. Monitoring the progress of tasks: Someone involved in time management is responsible for monitoring the progress of tasks to ensure that they are completed on time.
  5. Making adjustments to the schedule: Someone involved in time management is responsible for making adjustments to the schedule as needed, for example if unexpected circumstances arise that affect the timing.

Interested in a time management training with MAPP?


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